A good time.

This agency recently celebrated a major milestone – our 30th anniversary – in our typical way. We had a party. A big, beautiful party at the big, beautiful Resurgence Brewing Company. The theme for the night (and for three decades, really) was GOOD P3OPLE.

We are stocked full of them, you see. Experienced or youthful, business types or creatives, we’re bound by a commitment to be decent to each other and to our town. Over the years, we’ve chosen to partner with good people who also happen to be photographers or printers or accountants. And then there are our clients – good people doing good things, every one of them.

So there we all were last Thursday, celebrating our birthday with good beers and conversation. And, in the spirit of giving instilled in us all by Joe Crowley and John Webb back in ’86, every attendee was asked to bring donations for the Matt Urban Hope Center, a community center on the East Side that does amazing things for those who need it most.

It all added up to a night most fulfilling – having a good time and doing some good. You can just see it in the faces, can’t you? Here’s to 30 more good years!


Photos by Dawn M Gibson Photography