CW’s summer reading list.

You know what they say: if you want to get smarter, read. So we’re doing just that. Here’s what a few of us around the office are reading (or have already read) this summer. Have a good reco? Send it our way – or add one of these to your list!


Into the Water by Paula Hawkins (author of The Girl on the Train). It was great. It’s a thriller/mystery that keeps you guessing to figure out what happened with a string of murders right until the end of the book.” – Mary Kate Sidoti, senior analyst


“I just finished Daisy Jones & the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid and really enjoyed it. It follows an iconic (and fictional) rock band on their rise in the 1970s and then breaks down their inevitable, messy breakup. You will get big Fleetwood Mac vibes when you read it, or at least I did. The characters were all pretty layered and complex, but the actual oral history–styling of the book was what made it really easy to churn through.” – Britney Godfrey, project manager at Praxis


The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. I loved it because it was a good reminder of the easy ways to reflect on all the wonderful things in our lives. Otherwise, it’s an overall engaging and easy read. Was able to finish it pretty quickly.” – Sara Root, senior project supervisor at Praxis


The Plot Against America by Philip Roth. It’s a scary look at an alternative history if Charles Lindbergh, a known Nazi sympathizer and isolationist, had run against and beaten FDR in 1940. It shines a spotlight on the perils of fascism, and one can’t help but draw eerie comparisons to our country today.” – Matt Low, VP and creative director


What It Takes by Raegan Moya-Jones. I just preordered this book. The woman started Aden & Anais (the baby brand with the popular muslin swaddles). I love a good #girlboss story.” – Liz Mattingly, associate creative director


“I’m currently reading Quantum Healing by Deepak Chopra. Why I love it? It’s an inspiring nonfiction book, exploring human consciousness and presenting many cases where the human body was able to heal itself from supposedly terminal illnesses. It talks about where ‘modern medicine,’ ancient healing traditions, neuroscience, and quantum physics all intersect. I love it because I find myself thinking about things I never even knew existed or were possibilities, and it opens my eyes to the endless abilities of the human body. It’s also great to read right before bed because it takes all my mental energy to digest some of that information, which makes me tired, and leaves no room in my mind for anything else, like worrying about the upcoming day!” – Lauren Lerner, proofreader/editor


“I’m reading Howard Stern Comes Again by Howard Stern. Howard is one of the greatest interviewers of all time, and the celebrities and interviews he has selected for this book are some of his favorites and offer up advice, humor, or interesting insights. It’s a perfect summer read because after the introduction, you can pick up the book and go through each chapter in order or bounce around from chapter to chapter.” – Katie Hazel, associate creative director


Word by Word: The Secret Life of Dictionaries by Kory Stamper. The author is a former dictionary writer for Merriam-Webster, which everyone at Crowley Webb should know by now is my favorite dictionary. Stamper’s writing flows so beautifully and seemingly effortlessly, but I guess that’s something you might expect from someone who literally wrote dictionaries. One of my favorite themes Stamper writes about is how language changes. For me – the one whose job it is to establish and adhere to style rules for copy – this is a relief. She writes, ‘People’s deeply held convictions about language catch at your ankles; your own prejudices are the millstone around your neck.’ Dang! I interpret this as an adapt-or-die warning, which might seem harsh, but it’s true. And perhaps an example of this is Stamper using the singular ‘they’ and ‘their’ throughout the book when the gender is not known. (Spoiler alert: singular ‘they’ has been around since the 1300s!) Dictionaries are both reference and record, showing us how to use words and how we do use words. So if you’re like me and you use words, you’ll probably enjoy this book.” – Mariel Bard, senior proofreader/editor


Where’d You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple. It’s both funny and heartwarming, and you can read it just in time for the movie to come out this summer!” – Chelsea Roth, account supervisor at Praxis


Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. This is a story about a young girl named Kya, who lives in the swamps of North Carolina. Based on just that description, I would never read this book. But I can’t even express how much I loved it. It has a bit of everything – mystery, romance, and a strong female lead. I love books and movies (and life in general) with a strong female lead.” – Paige Meckler, PR project manager


That’s it, folks! Enjoy the books, and don’t forget to let us know your thoughts and recommendations.