Employee spotlight: Erica Cole.

Erica ColeThis month’s employee spotlight is an extra-special one. Our beloved resource manager of 28 years, Erica Cole, is hanging up her Crowley Webb hat this week. In honor of her retirement, let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we?

When did you start at CW?
I started in September of 1991. My daughter was 18 months old and is now a married mother of one – with another on the way!

What was your first position and what did it entail?
I was hired as the traffic manager. This position entailed handling every job that came into the agency from beginning to end, from assigning the team and processing the job, to keeping schedules up to date and making sure all parties stayed informed. I’ve always seen myself as the liaison between the creative department and the account service department to ensure each job stays on track.

How has your role and the industry changed over the years?
I have actually been in the advertising industry since the late 1970s (boy, am I dating myself). So much has changed. This position has transitioned from handling lots and lots of paper to now being paperless. Having jobs primarily online now keeps all assets of a job very organized. However, like most technology, it decreases the number of face-to-face interactions. The online process also keeps you tied down to your desk. I miss the miles of walking I used to do each day handing out new jobs and job changes, routing copy, layouts, and mechanicals, etc.

Overall though, the industry has definitely changed for the better. The creative work that is now being done is innovative and exciting. Not to mention how TV, radio, video, and website elements have evolved.

What is something you had to do back then that would shock us all now?
I used to stand at the copy machine for hours a day copying new job materials, job change forms, copy decks, layouts, mechanicals, and so on. The amount of paper that was used could overflow an entire landfill.

What will you miss most about Crowley Webb?
Without a doubt, I will miss the people I work with and the whole atmosphere of this industry. The routine of my job may be the same, but I can honestly say that no two days have ever been the same. I enjoyed the challenge of what each day would bring me.

What was the most interesting project you were a part of?
That is a tough one. I have been part of so many great projects. But the pro bono work that Crowley Webb has done and continues to do is really great.

What advice do you have for emerging talent in the field?
Working in the traffic department (a.k.a. the resource center) is a great way to learn the advertising field inside and out. You get to work with every department within the agency.

What are you most looking forward to in your retirement?
Keeping busy with part-time work (something fun and not stressful); spending more time with my daughter (Lindsey), son-in-law (Tyler), granddaughter (Sawyer Mae), and new grandchild (due in July); hanging out at our cottage at Spring Garden; traveling when we can; sleeping in; reading lots of books; and working on home projects and in my garden. They say you stay busier when you are retired than when you are working. We shall see.

Erica Cole