Tips to master working from home courtesy of those who do it best.

COVID-19 has changed so many aspects of our lives. But perhaps one of the most drastic changes is how we work day in and day out. Working from home might have initially seemed like a break from the old routine, but it is now turning into the new normal for many US workers. While it’s certainly not business as usual, there’s still work to be done, so let’s get to it.

Some of the biggest challenges remote employees struggle with are lack of human contact, efficient time management, and proper collaboration with colleagues. What’s more, as schools and colleges have been shut down, working parents must also juggle family priorities.

So what do we all do? Well, we asked the experts who do it every day: our Crowley Webb and Praxis remote employees. Here’s what they told us.


Stay connected. Don’t rely on email as your only form of communication. Pick up the phone or set up a Zoom meeting.

Have regularly scheduled one-on-one check-ins with your immediate supervisor or team members. It’s an opportunity to catch up and talk about any lingering issues or questions you may have. Keep a running list between meetings so you don’t forget anything you want to discuss.

Get dressed up enough so that you can join a video call without any embarrassment. Remember that comfort is key and might be the best part of working from home!

Don’t wait until five minutes before the start of a remote meeting to make sure all the links and call-in numbers are working – have everything in place well before the start time! This is especially important if you are running the meeting. And make sure the phone is on mute when you aren’t talking.

Keep the same schedule you would have if you were working in an office. “Go to work,” even if it’s just in a certain room. Try to maintain a schedule of when you start working, take your lunch break, and call it a day (it may take a few days to get into the groove, especially with kiddos at home).

Be sure to take breaks and step away from the computer. It’s OK to get up and put in a load of laundry.

Listen to music. Lots and lots of music. Background noise can break up the quiet and help with the potential loneliness.

When the workday is done, shut it down and step away until tomorrow!

No one can say how long it’ll be before we’re back to sharing coffee and smiles less than six feet from one another. Until then, we hope this advice helps you navigate your days working from home.

Stay safe, everyone.